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VocApp Spanish Verb Phrases

4.0 ( 3680 ratings )
المطور: Krzysztof Mank

Learn Spanish Verb Phrases faster and remember them forever. With this VocApp flashcards you can:

* learn when you travel, commute or stand in a queue – don’t waste that time!

* memorize much faster with multi-sensory learning (mp3 audio, images)

* master ca. 1000 new words in a month (learning only 30 minutes a day)

* create your own flashcards with voice or keyboard (well enrich them with translations, images, examples and audio!)

* revise only what is really needed (our spaced-repetition algorithm is a real time-saver)

* study at your own pace, revise as many times as you need, choose when you learn and how you learn (5 learning modes)

[This is a free version of our app. You can upgrade anytime from the app to get the full access to all content and functions.]

What now? Install this app, Learn & Remember!